Saturday, November 22, 2008

Every Day is a Winding Road

I don't see how writers make any money. I can only write when I am inspired by something and lately that just hasn't happened. If I had the pressure of writing on a daily basis, I'd probably develop massive writer's block and starve to death.

Suzanne is in one of the phases where she's learning new things and doing new things and talking a lot. She has popped out with Thank you and You're Welcome, which is nice. If nothing else, I hope my children learn to be polite and pleasant to be around. She entertains her daddy by describing circle time to him--I don't think he knew what that was until recently. If you haven't been to preschool lately, that is where the kids sit in a circle around the teacher and listen to a story or sing songs. Suzanne knows "criss cross applesauce" where you cross your legs and put your hands in your lap. In fact, there is a little boy who has trouble with this instruction and she takes it upon herself to march over to him, cross his legs appropriately, and put his hands in his lap. Suzanne likes her favorite things to be orderly, and circle time is one of her favorite things!

Another cute Suzanne-ism is where she puts her hands on each side of your face, looks intently into your eyes and asks, "You okay?" The appropriate response is "I'm okay. You okay?" whereupon she will tell you yes or no, as the case may be. Suzanne appears to be grasping the concept of empathy--or perhaps she's just becoming nosy like her mommy!

We are making some headway on potty training. She will use the potty if you take her in there at the precise moment she has to go, but she doesn't initiate it. She likes her pull-ups and will tell you when they are wet, but she won't go to the potty before they get that way. She really likes to flush, but she only gets to do that if there is actual peeing in the potty. Oh well, we're getting there.

When you see Suzanne next to other kids with DS, it is rather amazing. She is getting taller and more slender rather than stocky. She isn't shy or reserved, she's very gregarious and outgoing. She is very independent. We were at a moms support group yesterday where they have a nanny to watch the kids, and the lady asked if Suzanne would come upstairs with her and she turned and waved "Bye Mama" to me without an ounce of hesitation. I suspect that she will be wanting to leave home as soon as she possibly can just so she can get on with some real fun...

Next week is Thanksgiving and we'll be staying at my parents' house in Klamath Falls. There is a new kitty to play with as well as a new cousin. Suzanne will get to meet baby Leanna for the first time, which will make her quite happy. She loves babies and likes to yell "BeeBee" whenever she sees one. Hope Leanna won't mind being yelled at with love...

Sorry this was such a boreathon--I'll try a little harder next time. In the meantime, watch the video that I am (hopefully) attaching. The big bear can really shake it and it shouldn't be too hard to guess who he is. BTW, it was about 90 degrees that day, so he gets big points for not getting heat stroke...

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...