Friday, April 20, 2007

Hooray for Baseball!

As the title says, Hooray for Baseball! We love baseball season around here--it's on the TV all the time, we get the extra MLB channels so we never miss a Giants game (they stink so far, but the season is young...) and Kirk turns into Mr. Baseball. The kid loves baseball more than pizza if you can believe that.

Suzanne is also a fan of baseball. She is a fan of anything where there is a lot of action and clapping and cheering. I suspect she will try out for the cheerleading or pep club one of these days. She likes to sit on the bench with the rest of the boys and clap for each batter--she doesn't play favorites.

This year Kirk is on the Rockies, so I think I'll get Suzanne a purple outfit to wear and cheer in. She might as well blend in and be fashionable, eh?

Even though Suzanne is clearly a tomboy, she does it with style. Yesterday at "Baby School," the name that Kirk has for her early intervention program, she wore a dress. It was a casual dress, but a dress nonetheless. I was impressed with her ability to play in the sandbox and then get out and brush off her skirt. Clearly she has learned how to play hard while maintaining her femininity! She also figured out that if you go down the slide headfirst, your skirt doesn't ride up. How practical!

Today we are planting flowers. I've gone back to my red, white & blue theme of several years ago. And since we don't have deer, the red ones might even stand a chance this time. (FYI--deer eat red flowers--they will leave the white ones alone for some reason.) We are planting petunias mainly because they are tough enough to withstand Suzanne. I figure if petunias can make it past the deer, they can make it past Suzanne.

There is yelling from down the hall. Kirk used to politely knock on the wall when he wanted to get up--Suzanne just bellows indignantly. Quiet time over!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Quiet time? We don't need no stinking quiet time!!!

Suzanne is my kind of gal...dresses and play time. Remember our trip to the beach and you stepped in that hole? I wore a white eyelet skirt and turqoise top and you wore wet pants (LOL).

When you are done with your gardening, hussle yourself down here and you can help with mine!!

Love and hugs,

Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...