Thursday, April 12, 2007

Today, better

Yesterday, bad. Today, better. God sent me a little ray of sunshine named Hilary (my niece) and between the two of us, we managed to get a handle on sweet Suzanne. My house is slightly less chaotic and my husband is responding to my cries for help.

Since it is evident that I must rearrange my life in order to find a little peace, I have decided that we need to get a new computer. You see, I have a web design business and my current office is located upstairs in the guest room. But when I am in the guest room, I am not accessible to Suzanne and she gets into any and everything if my attention is focused somewhere else. However, if I get a laptop computer with a wireless router, I will be able to work in many different locations, including the back yard. The more I can keep an eye on Suzanne, the less inclined she is to get into things. Also, I will be able to quickly spot teaching moments, which is key for kids with DS. I can multi task, but I need to have a great deal of flexibility and mobility.

My desire for an orderly desk space has given way to my desire to have "Serenity Now!"

BTW, I love one-liners from Seinfeld. I'm currently having a real good time with "Jimmy loves Elaine..." Only it's aimed at Hilary the aforementioned niece. Her new boyfriend goes by the name Jimmy and I just can't contain myself. I actually spoke to him on the phone today, (apparently now I'm Hilary's secretary as well as her aunt) and managed not to say anything embarrassing about her. I nearly blew a gasket keeping the jokes on the inside, but I managed.

My beloved little girl is taking a late nap today, which makes for a lovely afternoon for me. My mom, my sister, and two adorable schnauzer puppies are descending upon me this evening and I've got beds to make and bathrooms to clean. It's a mother/daughter thing. I try to turn my house into a Hilton Hotel whenever mom comes, which stresses me out. I can't manage the Hilton on a regular day, what makes me think I can manage it just because mom is coming... I think I'll just settle for clean toilets and fresh sheets and leave the Hilton to Paris. As for mom and Susan, they are undemanding, low key guests and will also be happy with the toilet/sheet situation. 6 hours in a car with two puppies--maybe I should get a couple of bottles of wine, too...

They should have done a Seinfeld episode on Elaine preparing for a visit from her mother...that would have been really funny!

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...