Friday, June 22, 2007

A River in Egypt

My gosh, it's been weeks since I've posted! I could go on about how busy it's been with the end of the school year or getting ready for vacation, or some other blather, but what it really boils down to is my baby is getting older and I'm in denial...deeeeeep denial...about the whole thing.

Suzanne turned 3 last Sunday. Her last day of baby school was Monday and her last speech/PT was Thursday. Now she enters the world of "Public School." It's just that she's been so protected within the Early Intervention sphere and especially at PRIDE that I'm having a little difficulty with the thought of my little precious mixing and mingling with kids who aren't like her. Reverse snobbery in a way.

Greg's mom came to see us for Suzanne's birthday, which was nice. I managed to get a cake made while they were out buying Pat a new car. We took a drive to try out the GPS system, went to have some Mexican food and just had a nice evening. Sunday was much the same. Here are some before/after pictures of Suzanne...

BTW, Pat--you should come see us more often. You are a good influence on your son. He went out and bought a headboard for the guest bed just because you were coming. If you came more often I would probably get all of my household projects done!!

I've got more pictures of Suzanne's last day at PRIDE coming--my photographer/husband hasn't had time to photoshop them yet. I really can't say enough about all the wonderful folks at PRIDE. They care so much about the little kids and it shows. Suzanne went to her preschool visitation this week and totally took over the joint. She blew away the 3 teachers with her independence and self assurance. They might have thought she was going to be a demure, sweet little girl, but they quickly figured out that Suzanne will keep them on top of their game because she demands excellence from everyone she meets. And she does it with a smile and a hug.

I may be in denial about Suzanne turning 3, but Suzanne is more than ready to go out and conquer the Washougal Preschool Program.

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...