Wednesday, June 6, 2007

2 good days...

Suzanne's birthday is looming. She will be 3 on June 17th and I can hardly believe it. On her first birthday (when this picture was taken with her Aunt Susan) she couldn't even pull herself up on the furniture--now she's climbing to the ceiling. "To Infinity & Beyond!" as Buzz Lightyear says.

Yesterday she followed a 2-part instruction. We were in my bedroom and she kept trying to close the door on me. I told her, partly in sign, to leave the door open and find her brother. She had to think about it for a second, but then she did what I asked!! If I get a couple of these little victories every day, we'll really be making some progress.

She also invented a new game. She took her baby doll and stood her up against the wall. Then she took one of Kirk's baseballs and tried to play catch. Turns out that when the ball hit the baby, it rolled back to her. She played this way for quite a while. Then she decided to try whacking the baby's head with the ball. Good thing the baby has a hard head...

Today she is mad at me. She wanted to use her play table to climb to the top of her dresser, so her mean old mommy just took the legs off the table. If you heard a lot of booing and hooing from the direction of Washougal, that was her. She is now consoling herself by sitting on my bed and watching Martha Stewart. She chose the channel, not me. I think she is really starting to take after her Aunt Susie!

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...