Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day - TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS!

We are having a fun Valentine's Day this year. I got to make valentine's for Suzanne's preschool class, which is a nice little milestone for her. She really liked the stickers, but she wasn't much help in putting them on the valentines. She preferred to stick them on her clothes instead.

Kirk waited until the last minute to do his valentines, but he finished and took them to school this morning. He a moment of greed when he decided to keep all the pirate tattoos and not put them inside, which is what he was supposed to do. Guess we need another lesson in sharing. On the other hand, he asked for advice on how to ask a girl to be his valentine. He wants a girl to be his valentine, but he doesn't want to be rejected. I explained that most 7 & 8 year old boys are goofballs and won't ask, so he pretty much could get any girl in class to be his valentine and probably all of them. I tried to impress upon him that it is the boy who asks who gets the valentine, and the boy who doesn't gets zip. He ran my advice past his father to make sure I was telling him the truth. I did notice that this morning he took extra time with his ablutions, wore a nice shirt and his good jeans, and smashed his bed head down in the back. Reminds me of my nephew, Max...

Kirk also wanted to make sure that we had some valentine cookies...for Suzanne, of course. I suspect Suzanne will be encouraged to share her cookies with Kirk, and because she loves him, she will.

Speaking of love, here is one of my favorite pictures. When I tell people that Kirk has always loved and protected Suzanne they don't always believe me, but I know it's true. Even if he doesn't get brave enough to ask a girl, he'll still have his very first Valentine, Suzanne.

Gotta dash...I'm delivering Valentines to Hilary, making cookies, and getting Kirk a heart-shaped pizza for tonight.

Oh yes, enjoy the music...these are two of Suzanne's dancing favorites!

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...