Sunday, February 17, 2008

Suzanne Speak

Suzanne is a multi-lingual child, I think. For the longest time she sounded like she was speaking Russian, but we decided perhaps not when she was sitting next to some Russian folks and they didn't seem to know what she was saying. Then we started to think it was French, with all the jzshhing she's been uttering. Unfortunately, we don't know any French people.

Lately, however, I have noticed an increase in actual words that I think are english. Or at least "Suzanne English." Here is a list with translations....

Milk = Mill
Kirkie = Gookie
Oscar = Ok
Come Here = Mere (as in 'mere Ok)
Cookie = Cookie (no question about this one!)
Juice = Jzshoos
Shoes = Shooooooz
Socks = Toks
Jacket = Shacket
Train = Tain (Usually Tain! Tain! Tain!)
Bus = Sus
Boom = Boom
Bear = Beer
Karissa = Rissa
Hilary = Hilly
Grandpa = Bampa
Grandma = Bamma
Please = Weese
Thank You = Tank ooo
Excuse Me = Skoo me

This is by no means an exhaustive list--she pops out with new words every day. She'll see something and say the word and if you aren't listening closely, you'll miss it. You particularly have to watch for her patting her fanny and saying "boop." Any doubts as to what that means?

It's like a flood gate has opened and she can't get them out fast enough. She still sounds french, but at least the words are english. I guess she was destined to speak french, since her name is french and means lily. Pretty name for a pretty girl and pretty soon we might even understand her!

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...