Let us examine "special needs" as it relates to Suzanne. Her needs are not really so special. She only needs what every other kid needs. She needs love, nurturing, protection, friendship, patience, kindness, purpose, health, family, security, play, laughter, a brother to hold her hand, cinnamon toast, bandaids and a dry fanny. This is a pretty ordinary list when you really look at it. There is nothing too special about it, except for Grandma Della's special cinnamon toast spread, which has certain restorative powers when used during a crying jag.
The really special thing that Suzanne needs, which may not come to her automatically, is inclusion. She needs to be a part of the group, she needs to be where the action is, she needs to be accepted like every other kid on the block. The more that Suzanne is viewed by everyone as just another kid, the better she will do in life and the more she will be able to achieve. Inclusion is a vital key in helping kids with developmental delays to succeed.
It is interesting to note that in classrooms where there is a child with Down Syndrome, the test scores are higher than in other classes. Hmmmm...wonder why that is??
Anyway, don't look at people with delays as "special." Just remember, that they need exactly the same things that you do and the rest of it is just details.
Jen, well said!!!
Aunt Bucky
AMEN to that!!!!!!
Well done, Jennie. You and Suzanne never cease to amaze me. Mom, aka. Cinnamon Toast Queen
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