Thursday, May 8, 2008

Everyone has a Talent

It is fun to watch children as they grow up because everyday they evolve into the adults that they will someday be. Whenever I would get frustrated, my mom would tell me that everyone has a talent and I needed to be patient. Patience is not something that I have an abundance of, so this usually just added to my frustration, but I'm happy to say that over the years a couple of talents have finally emerged.

Suzanne has a talent already, and she is using it as much as she possibly can. Suzanne's talent is being Kirk's sidekick. She is Robin to his Batman, Tonto to his Lone Ranger, Jerry to his Tom. Suzanne is ready and willing to do whatever Kirk wants and to put her own particular spin on things.

We had a baseball game on Tuesday and Suzanne is a regular on the bench. The boys don't pay any particular attention to her most of the time, but Tuesday was different because Kirk decided to have her sing for them. If you live in Oregon or Washington, you have probably heard the ads for Sleep Country U.S.A.

"Sleep Country USAAAAAA. Why buy a mattress anywhere ELSE! Ding!"

Suzanne actually only sings the Ding part, but it really cracks up a crowd. Kirk's friend Noah has seen this little performance before, so he helped Kirk with the singing and then Suzanne chimes in with Ding! I hate to say it, but the boys on the bench were not paying attention to the game because they were busy watching Suzanne sing her part of the song. Even after Kirk went up to bat and got on base, they kept singing in order to get Suzanne to say "Ding!"

This isn't all Sidekick Suzanne can do. She's a really good fetcher as well. Kirk doesn't have to fetch the balls that he doesn't catch because Suzanne is usually hovering around ready to do the job. She also helps him clean up his room, although he never helps clean up her room. She even cleans his toothbrush! Of course she does this by swishing it in the toilet--we've been going through a lot of toothbrushes lately.

As Greg likes to say, behind every good man is a woman kicking him in the, uh, derriere. Well, behind Kirk is a sister intent on side-kicking him to the top. I just hope that is where he wants to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, loved the blog!


Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...