Friday, June 13, 2008


Today was Suzanne's last day of school--summer vacation has officially begun! For some strange reason she just walked past me and whacked me with her Curious George. Sign of things to come?

Here is a partial list of all the things Suzanne has learned at or around preschool this year:

1. Shoes stay on--all the time. On the bus, at circle time, out on the playground, on the bus.
2. Lots of songs--Wheels on the Bus, Row Your Boat, Baby Bumblebee, Twinkle Twinkle and the ones that she makes up on her own.
3. Clean up--we make it easy with a big plastic tub to put stuff in. She also knows that baby wipes can fix those "personal" stains that a girl encounters now and again.
4. Waving--at the bus driver, her teachers, other kids at school. Everyone likes it when Suzanne waves!
5. Kleenex--she loves a clean face. Too bad Kirk never learned this lesson.
6. ABCs--she made it all the way to G yesterday, with a pause at LMNOP and ZEEEEEEE.
7. Colors--fortunately she colors a lot using green and yellow, which are daddy's faves.
8. Sympathy--if one of your classmates is crying it is a good idea to give them a hug and pat on the back.
9. Better table manners--no more sippy cups for Suzanne and she prefers the real forks and spoons.
10. How to group objects together, line them up, and count them. This works for toys, books, baby dolls, potato chips and shoes....which should stay on...maybe we still need work on No. 1.

We are having her first kid birthday party tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Our theme is Hello Kitty, which we love. I'll post some pictures after the event.

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...