Monday, June 2, 2008

Big Juicy and the Froggy

As I write this evening, Kirk and Greg are at a Portland Beavers baseball game in a "luxury" box. With my one good eye (and I do only have just the one) I am watching hunky Robert Redford in a forgettable 1970s era movie, but mainly I'm just watching Robert Redford. Suzanne is snoozing in the most uncomfortable chair in the house. She's not quite in the froggy position, but almost. If she goes full froggy, she'll probably roll out and then there will be hell to pay.

I haven't blogged in awhile because May was a horrendous month in terms of getting through the day without some badness from Suzanne. I've spent most of the month cleaning one thing or another and it still doesn't look like I've done a darned thing. It's like treading water--you may not actually sink, but you don't make any headway either. You're just out there hoping that a boat will come along before the sharks do.

She's so sweet when she sleeps. She snorts a little (tiny nose, easily clogged) and rolls around quite a bit. She's a good snuggler, but hot. Both the kids prefer to sleep next to Greg because he's an ice cube and appreciates the heat.

Oooh, Robert is trying kill a hit man with a fireplace poker--his longish 70s hair is falling over his eyes. Mmmmmmmm....

This child is such a puzzle. Some things she learns quickly, others not so much. The things I really want her to learn, she doesn't (potty training, complete sentences). Other things she picks up very quickly. It's a puzzle and I am hoping to solve it sooner rather than later. If only I could see inside her little head to figure out how things work in there. I don't want to change anything about her--but I could sure use a GPS.

I am thankful for a few things, though. I'm thankful that she has the ability to show love. I'm thankful that she is healthy and physically fit. I'm thankful that she is sociable and caring and that she has sympathy for those in distress. I love her beautiful smile and the way she squinches her eyes up when she's really happy about something. She is sunshine and she just radiates.

Except for this moment. She just woke up long enough to complain and remove her shoes and socks. It's jammie time, so I'd better get to it. I like this part--when she's really snuggly and just wants me to hold her and make everything nice. She's learned to give sloppy kisses--big juicies. I suppose that is an acquired taste, but I really like them...when her face is clean and free from snot, that is. She's not quite 4--I'm still working on cleanliness...


Anonymous said...

Jen, great blog! What does full froggy look like? (coming from someone whose children are furry and feline).


Anonymous said...

What does full froggy look like?

It means Suzanne is on her elbows and knees with her fanny pointing to the heavens. You should see her in this position sometime when she has discarded her diaper...

- gb -

Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...