Monday, May 7, 2007

Patience, jackass, patience...

I am a lousy joke teller. Don't get me wrong--I think I'm quite humorous and witty when it comes to off the cuff remarks and the occasional practical joke. But to sit and tell jokes? Not my forte. I can never seem to remember the joke right or I get the punchline backwards. In fact I can only remember about 3 jokes and one ends with the line, "Patience, jackass, patience.

I am telling myself this several times a day lately. Because life with Suzanne requires superhuman patience at times. Especially when it comes to the potty training. And as you know from a previous post, I am up to my eyeballs in poop.

As I was shampooing the carpet in Suzanne's room today (2 potty accidents) I kept muttering, "patience, jackass, patience." Pretty funny if you know that there are two slang names for mule--one is jackass and the other is Jenny. Yup! In fact, my great grandma Jenny was appalled to find out that I would be named after her since she had gone through a lot of name calling when she was young. And I have been accused on more than one occasion of being as stubborn as a mule. I think my parents got it right when they named me...

So, I suppose I should just fall back on my inate stubborness, keep chanting, and hope that sooner or later she takes an interest in the potty chair as something other than a nice place to sit next to the tub. If I can ever figure out what her primary motivator is, I'll have it made!!!!

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Up With Downs!

You haven't experienced life until you've experienced it Suzanne-style...